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Home / About the SSA / Constitution
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Home / About the SSA / Constitution


1. The Sailing Software Alliance (SSA) is an unincorporated association of companies, partnerships, and individuals, who wish to co-operate in their activity of supplying software to the sailing community.

2. Members of the SSA are committed to furthering the sport of sailing through the application of Information Technology. The Statement of Purpose, Organisation and Objectives of the SSA are more fully defined in Appendix 1.

3. The SSA Operational Policy is to provide and maintain a website which the sailing community can visit, in order to see the software and services that are available from SSA members. The website also provides a repository for case studies, useful documents and other reference material.

The website aims to be authoritative, impartial and independent, and to raise awareness of members and enhance their credibility. Directly promoting products and services is the responsibility of individual members.

Apart from the website the SSA itself provides no other service to the sailing community.

4. There are two classes of member, Commercial and Individual. Commercial Members are organisations supplying services for commercial gain. Individual Members are persons supplying services free of charge.

5. The Annual Subscriptions for Commercial and Individual Members are agreed at AGM.

6. The existing membership may elect new members. Each member has a single vote to elect or not. A simple majority is required for a decision. Ties are resolved by the Management Committee casting a further one vote each.

7. Between three and five members are elected by the membership, annually at the AGM, to form a Management Committee. Members may each make one nomination, which may be themselves. Each member has one vote, which may be for themself, and the nominees receiving the highest number of votes are elected. Ties are decided by a second vote for one or other of the tied nominees.

8. For any voting purpose each Commercial Member has one single vote, and Individual Member has one single vote. Votes may be delivered at a meeting or in advance by email (to the member calling the meeting).

9. Meetings are called, arranged, and chaired by the Management Committee.

10. All members have the right to attend, speak and vote at meetings.

11. Finances are managed by the Management Committee. Accounts are presented at each AGM.

12. Resolution of conflicts is the responsibility of the Management Committee.

13. Formal communication between members and the Management Committee is by email.

14. Communication between members is free and open, and may be by any means. Email is recommended, to provide visibility to all and to provide a record of conversations.

15. In the event of dissolution of the SSA, all assets are to be distributed to members in proportion to subscriptions paid.

16. As an unincorporated association the SSA is not liable for any actions or inactions of its members.

17. Members are required to comply with the Code of Conduct defined in Appendix 2. Members may be expelled for not following the Code of Conduct.

Last updated 16:34 on 19 November 2018

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